SureFire Training Academy
USD 399.00

Blue Collar Gold University

3.0 Business CSIA CEUs; 3.5 Elective NFI CEUs

USD 99.00

Business Symposium - Are You Stepping Over Millions Of Dollars? - Alan Rush

Are You Stepping Over Millions Of Dollars? - Alan Rush
CSIA Course Number: 7286 CSIA CEUs: 1 B

USD 99.00

Business Symposium - Developing Your 5 Year Step by Step Plan - Mark Stoner

Developing Your 5 Year Step by Step Plan - Mark Stoner
CSIA Course Number: 7290 CSIA CEU's: 0.75 B

USD 99.00

Business Symposium - How To Save And Make Money By Investing In Safety - Chuck Roydhouse

Business Symposium - How To Save And Make Money By Investing In Safety - Chuck Roydhouse
CSIA Course Number: 6983 CSIA CEUs: 1 B

USD 99.00

Business Symposium - What You Need To Know About Insurance Claims - Kurt Felgemacher

Business Symposium - What You Need To Know About Insurance Claims - Kurt Felgemacher
CSIA Course Number: 7287 CSIA CEUs: 0.5 C&S, 0.5 B

USD 99.00

Business Symposium Intent Based Leadership - Chuck Hall

CSIA Course Number: 7274
CSIA CEUs: 0.75 B

USD 99.00

Business Symposium Setting Yourself Up To Win - Mark Stoner

CSIA Course Number: 6974
CSIA CEUs: 0.5 C&L, 0.5 B

USD 59.00

CSIA: Accident Causes | Prevention and Control

The objective of this class is to inform technicians on the causes of accidents, unsafe conditions or acts, and how to prevent on the job accidents.
NFI: 1.0 S & H & L CEUs

USD 59.00

CSIA: Accident Investigation

Accident Investigation will teach students how to effectively file an accident investigation report.
NFI: 1.0 S&H&L CEUs

USD 59.00

CSIA: Annual Gas Appliance Service Procedure

This course covers: how to introduce yourself and greet, how to read the installation instructions, how to clean components, and how to create and present report to the customer.

CSIA,0.50 T, 0.50 C&L. 1.0 Total CEUs

USD 59.00

CSIA: Back Safety

To learn how to mitigate the chances of a serious workplace injury through proper lifting techniques. CSIA:1.5 H&S CEUs
NFI: 0.75 S&H&L CEUs

USD 59.00

CSIA: Because Accidents Happen

This course will guide a student through basic accident precautions and what to do in the case of several kinds of work-related accidents.
CSIA:1.0 H&S, 0.75 C&L, 1.75 Total CEUs
NFI 1.75 S&H&L CEUs

USD 59.00

CSIA: Become an Industry Advocate

CSIA:0.75 C&L, 0.25 B CEU's, Total 1.0
NFI: 1.50 Elective

USD 59.00

CSIA: Building Your Resume

Learning Objectives: Learners will have a better understanding of how to build and structure a resume and cover letter to gain attention from employers. (CSIA: 1-Business CEU, NFI: 1-Elective CEU, NCSG: 1-Business CEU)

USD 59.00

CSIA: Business Evaluation

CSIA:0.5 C&L, 1.5 B. 2 total CEU's
NFI:1.0 Elective

USD 315.00

CSIA: Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician Online Review

Course Objective: The online review is designed to prepare students for the CSIA Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician exam or for purposes of renewing your current CDET credentials.

USD 59.00

CSIA: Chimney Lining for Appliances Using a Fireplace Flue

This class describes what must be considered before installing an appliance using a fireplace flue, including the need for a properly functioning fireplace, a Level 2 Inspection and sizing.
CSIA:1.5 C&S CEU's
NFI:1.5 Tech CEU'S

USD 59.00

CSIA: Consumer Safety & Carbon Monoxide

This course covers: Carbon Monoxide hazards, causes for CO buildup, CO poisoning symptoms, and preventions.
NFI: 0.75 CEU'S

USD 59.00

CSIA: Developing a Troubleshooting Mindset

The class is designed to demonstrate a successful method of troubleshooting as appliance problems using a clearly defined procedure.
NFI: 0.75 T CEUs

USD 59.00

CSIA: Electrical Safety

The objective of the single-user class is to educate the individual about the risks associated with electricity, including basic concepts such as a circuit and ground.
NFI 0.75 S&H&L CEUs

USD 59.00

CSIA: Electronic Ignition

This class will teach technicians how to understand the function of electronic ignition gas appliances. CSIA 2.0 T CEUs
NFI: 1.25 CEUs

USD 59.00

CSIA: Ergonomics

The objective of this ergonomic and musculoskeletal class is to inform technicians of the things that can contribute to the disorder in an effort to avoid serious injury.
NFI:1.0 S&H&L CEUs

USD 59.00

CSIA: Extreme Customer Service & Marketing

NFI:1.0 Elective CEU'S

USD 59.00

CSIA: Gas Appliances and Venting

The objective of this class is to inform students about the wide variety of available gas appliances and what their individual venting requirements are.
CSIA:0.75 T, 0.75 C&S, 1.5 Total CEUs
NFI: 0.25 T CEUs

USD 59.00

CSIA: Growing your Company Through Innovative Inspection Procedures

This class discusses the recommended procedures required when creating a standardized approach to chimney inspections.
CSIA:0.75 C&S, 0.75 C&L, 1.50 Total CEUs
NFI: 0.75 Elective CEUs

USD 59.00

CSIA: Health & Safety in the Workplace

The objective of this online class is to point out areas of risk when working and describe various methods of personal protective equipment.
NFI:0.75 S&H&L CEUs

USD 59.00

CSIA: Hearth Protection

NFI: 1.50 T CEUs

USD 59.00

CSIA: Heat Stress

The objective of this class is to inform technicians about the hazards associated with working in hot weather and how to reduce their risk.
NFI: 1.0 S&H&L CEUs

USD 59.00

CSIA: How to Get Your Customers to Call - Buy - and Beg for More

Covers marketing techniques to get customers to be prepared for extra costs, to encourage them to write good reviews, and how to get repeat customers, especially in your off-season.
CSIA:0.75 C&L, 0.25 B, 1.0 Total CEUs
NFI: 0.25 Elective CEUs

USD 59.00

CSIA: Identify that Fireplace Correctly!

The objective of this online class is to describe a variety of fireplaces and chimneys and define the appropriate listings.
CSIA:0.25 T, 0.25 C&S, 1.0 C&L, 1.5 Total CEUs
NFI:0.75 T CEUs

USD 59.00

CSIA: Installers Corner

The objective of the class is to introduce gas appliance technicians to a variety of useful tools for the installation of new appliances.
NFI: 0.25 Elective CEUs

USD 59.00

CSIA: Ladder Safety

The objective of this class is to inform technicians about the hazards associated with the use of portable ladders and how to reduce their risk.
NFI: 1.0 S&H&L CEUs

USD 59.00

CSIA: Lessons Learned from Fire Investigations

NFI:0.75 S&H&L CEUs

USD 299.00

CSIA: Lining Masonry with Stainless Steel

CSIA #: 6295 CSIA CEU: 3.5 T, 4 C&S, 2.5 H&S, 1 C&L, 1 B

USD 59.00

CSIA: Masonry Chimney Maintenance and Repair

The objective of this online seminar is to demonstrate a variety of repair techniques required of masonry chimneys.
CSIA:CEUs: 1 T 0.25 C&S 0.25 H&S Total CEU's: 1.5
NFI:1.50 T CEUs

USD 59.00

CSIA: Masonry Heaters - Bushway

The objective of this class is to inform students about the development and design of masonry heaters.
NFI:1.0 Elective CEUs

USD 59.00

CSIA: Maximizing Word of Mouth Referrals

This course gives a summary of word-of-mouth marketing and how it can work in your business.
CSIA:1.25 C&L, 0.50 B, 1.75 Total CEUs
NFI:1.75 Elective CEUs

USD 59.00

CSIA: Networking Using Presentations

The objective of this online class is to advise the student how to best prepare for a presentation. Typically this is done with the use of PowerPoint, but other hands-on methods are also discussed.
NFI:0.75 Elective CEUs

USD 59.00

CSIA: New Employee Safety Orientation

This class defines a variety of risks including; chemicals, ergonomics, back injuries, fork lift safety, electrical safety, eye and fall protection, blood born pathogens, lockout/tagout, respirators.
NFI: 1.0 S&H&L CEUs

USD 59.00

CSIA: Oil Flues - Service & Sizing

The objective of this online class is to inform sweeps about the methods used when sweeping an oil-fired furnace or boiler as well as any other oil-fired appliance.
CSIA:0.75 T, 0.75 C&S, 1.50 Total CEUs
NFI: 0.50 Elective CEUs

USD 59.00

CSIA: Pellet Stoves - Hands-On

The objective of this online class is to prepare technicians that wish to service pellet appliances. Summary:
CSIA:1.50 T CEU's
NFI: 1.50 T CEUS

USD 59.00

CSIA: Professional Installations

The objective of this class is to teach the installer how to see their service from the consumer’s vantage point.
NFI:0.50 Elective CEUs

USD 59.00

CSIA: Relational Marketing

The objective of this online class is to inform students as to new and successful ways to market their company successfully.
CSIA:0.5 C&L, 0.5 B, 1.0 Total CEUs
NFI: 0.50 Elective CEUs

USD 59.00

CSIA: Respirator Safety

The objective of this class is to inform technicians about the various respirators available and which to choose.
NFI: 1.0 S&H&L CEUs

USD 59.00

CSIA: SIT Gas Control Troubleshooting

Students will learn the specifics of the way a SIT valve operates in an effort to troubleshoot any problems that one might have.
NFI: .50 T CEU

USD 59.00

CSIA: The 2015 IRC

This course will instruct students how best to go about consulting and using the 2015 IRC.
NFI:2.0 T CEUs

USD 59.00

CSIA: The Best of the Worst (Darwin Awards and Code References)

The class “The best of the worst that chimney sweeps encounter” describes a variety of interesting installations and venting that use unusual methods and materials for venting combustion appliances. CSIA:1.5 C&S, 0.5 C&L. 2.0 Total CEUs
NFI: 2.0 T CEUs

USD 59.00

CSIA: The Gas Alternative to Old Fireplace Restoration

This online class details the decisions that must be made, whether to remove an old firebox or to use the existing fireplace to install a gas appliance
CSIA:0.75 T, 0.25 H&S, 1.0 Total CEUs
NFI: 1.0 T CEUs

USD 59.00

CSIA: The Most Common Problems with Masonry Fireplaces & Chimneys

The objective of this online class is to inform the student about the most common defects found with masonry fireplaces and chimneys.
CSIA:1.50 C&S, 0.50 C&L, 2.0 Total CEUs
NFI: 2.0 T CEUs

USD 59.00

CSIA: Things You Should Know Before You Service Gas Appliances

The objective of this online class is to inform students about the requirements for servicing gas appliances in the field.
CSIA:0.5 T, 0.5 C&L, 1.0 Total CEUs

USD 59.00

CSIA: Transite Pipe-Asbestos

Asbestos covers the issues with working with asbestos products.
NFI: 2.0 H&S&L CEUs

USD 59.00

CSIA: US Codes & Standards

US Codes and Standards is an overview of codes in the United States. Students will learn what the different codes say and why they cover those specific topics.
NFI: 1.25 T CEUs

USD 59.00

CSIA: Using Diagnostic Equipment

Digital multimeters, manometers and combustion gas leak detectors are all described in this class.

USD 59.00

CSIA: Using Ropes for Rooftop Safety

The objective of this online class is to inform students about the various ropes and knots needed to navigate a roof safely.
NFI: 0.50 S&H&L CEUs

USD 59.00

CSIA: Water in Masonry Chimneys

CSIA:0.50 T, 0.50 H&S, 1.0 Total CEUs
NFI: 0.50 Elective CEUs

USD 59.00

CSIA: Where Does the Money Go?

The objective of this course is to discuss how to manage your business cashflow on a weekly, monthly, and yearly basis.
NFI: 0.25 Elective CEUs

USD 59.00

CSIA: Working in Cold Weather

The objective of this class is to inform technicians as to the risks associated with working in cold weather.
NFI: 1.0 S&H&L

USD 549.00

Business Symposium CSIA 2021 Nashville

15 Business Courses from the CSIA event in Nashville, TN January 2021

Learning Path
USD 299.00

Home Inspector Learning Path

7 top chimney inspection courses for home inspectors

Learning Path
USD 29.00

NCSG Member Special - 5 Course Trial Special

NCSG Member Special - 5 Course Trial Special

Learning Path
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Learning Path
Chimney Safety Institute of America e-Learning courses for CEUs